Snabisch - Music
Luisquid - Production Assistant
Calixjumio - Everything else

Release date Sep 17, 2023
Rated 4.7 out of 5 stars
(16 total ratings)
Made withPICO-8
TagsPICO-8, Pixel Art, Short
Average sessionA few minutes
InputsKeyboard, Gamepad (any)


Buy Now$4.00 USD or more

In order to download this game you must purchase it at or above the minimum price of $4 USD. You will get access to the following files: 28 kB 752 kB 3.2 MB 2.1 MB 992 kB
bug_dd.p8 87 kB
bug_dd.p8.png 36 kB
bug_dd.png 7.5 kB

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bichiro is spazzing out

heres a screenshot of it

nice game! I found a bug: the title "the cave" is summoning each 3 seconds 

If you use the grapple hook back at the starting areas, you can jump up a layer and disappear from sight, maybe put a secret up there?

Cool little game! 8) Very intuitive, it was always clear what to do, where to go. Kinda like a Metroidvania I would consider it?

Anyhow, great job!

96 circles, is this the max? or is there 100?


Im gonna tell you a little secret…

I have no clue, more like, i intentionally didn’t place a fixed number because of the tiny story and theme behind the game

(but yeah I think it’s 96)

(1 edit) (+2)

the title is falling randomly very fast

Oh thanks for letting me know!, did a quick patch already sorry for the inconvenience (i haven’t been able to reproduce it constantly but have encountered it in the past thought it was fixed)


Good day, just a different guy, I think the title is still falling very fast until the end, but it seems it happens in idle for like 10 maybe 15 seconds? I can't tell. I actually thought it was an idle animation for the game. (Played with the web version)

Apart from that, this is a great game for its worth, a bunch of items that can spice up the gameplay. I'm sure that's a Metroidvania but either way, this is great.