Great game. I get a bug sometimews with the shovel. The piece that's been dug stays at the top of the screen and then the game registers it as game over.
It's happened on normal mode for me, that's the only one I've been really playing so far. It SEEMS to be happening when using the shovel immediately again after/during a clear (spamming it; I do this to dig from underneath while counting to get quick horizontal lines). Maybe you can try and see yourself? When the screen is close to full/speed is fast I've had it also cause game overs (when the block hangs it seems the game has registered it as a such). It seems to happen regardless of how full the screen is.
Also found the bug on my own, already mentioned below, where the hose can press a block down to the bottom to get rid of it (I actually like this bug though as it can help me to set up tactically and avoid the crane + the screen moves anyway so it's not a BIG exploit. Will echo another user that the crane item slows the entire game down compared to the others; maybe a good thing maybe bad (getting the crane with an almost full screen is frustrating) can't decide.
Also dk how to feel about the random nature of the shovel. It removes a certain amount of skill from the game to have it do random things (to not be able to control which pile to fill up; to a certain extent at least)?
Will also agree with the user below who wanted to see separate game modes for the different objects (even though them switching is the entire gimmick of the game). Dk if that would fit into P8 but hey... Would be a nice optional for some other version if not.
With bugs or not (well... Ironically at least one bug in the game controlling the blocks as others have also pointed out:P) idc as I will purchase to put on a handheld in its current form anyway once I've got some spare cash:)
Edit: Just to copy from below 25840 is my max score (it would seem the score stops here? Because I had over 30k this game)
Edit: no the score works fine; I have a saved one of over 30k now. However sometimes I get a minus score for some reason. It's weird. What's the reason for this?
Its a bug but instead of fixing it i tried to compensate it by making everything else raise a bit faster as you do (that was cheaper in tokens too), for the shovel I have yet to find that why that one happens im sorry
Shovel... Not so much an important bug. What IS game breaking though is when the score goes into a minus score (has happened to me a few times; I THINK it might have something to do with cheesing with the hose and staying at a single level for too long but idk). Any idea why that happens?
Update to last question: It seems to happen when the score is above 30k. At that point it switches to -30k instead. Any fix (otherwise the tactic is to avoid the hose at that level)? Hose/shovel bugs are not game breaking but this minus point one is:(
Edit: around 32k it switches into -points and again this is gamebreaking unlike the shovel bug.
I think it would be fun to have "single tool" modes so that you can play your favorite tool from start to finish. Such a polished game already though, super fun =)
I think i had that in mind somewhere, like playing different levels, or picking different “characters”, not sure if I’ll do here of if it would be better to make a bigger game without the bounds of pico8
That's such a cool idea. Different robot characters each one having a mechanical "hand" with a different power. You could even make it into a local vs mode where each character sends different types/patterns of garbage to the opponent acording to their power. Would be a nightmare to balance all the characters though!
I was kind of curious - did you ever consider this idea further at all? I find the game interesting and enjoy it quite a bit, but would absolutely love it if there were a way to play with a tool of choice - both because I think it would help to practice with some of the trickier tools and learn their behaviour more consistently, but also because playing single tool swap would finally give me a solid way to play Panel de Pon (which it's honestly kind of criminal there aren't a ton of games riffing off that idea, given that there hasn't been a new Puzzle League since the DS).
I’m working on a bigger version! (“working”, currently paused because life, but) here’s the link to the steam page!, LINK HERE SUPER CRANE HD
thanks so much for the interest!! I want to get on it back and just release it, so far its just going to be a bigger version, and haven’t been much motivated to clean it up for release
I've found an exploit/bug: When using the hose tool, pressing down repeatedly at the bottom of the screen instantly deletes whatever you were holding, and with gravity this means you can clear entire columns. the block seems to wrap around to the top of the board for a frame or two before deletion. It's not incredibly practical since holding down at the bottom also increases the speed of the board, and it nets you no points, but nonetheless it's a thing.
is there a discord or something for your games? if there isn't, seems like that could be a good way to organise stuff like bug reports and also build up a community if there is one i'm just dumb and do not know where to find it
I'm in love with this thing, i think, maybe, but i do have a few notes. First off, a bug (ha): I've lost a few games seemingly out of nowhere after garbage spawns, possibly because the game thinks that the empty tiles it just dropped are actually a tower reaching to the kill zone. Should probably check that out. Secondly, the shovel is probably one of the harder tools to use due to rng. As far as I can tell, it likes to launch blocks up to the highest tower it can find, but I haven't exactly figured out what its deal is. Thirdly, the crane is the tool that I tend to lose on most often, due to too much garbage being piled up for it to be able to pick up anything, and its inability to move anything sideways within the pile.
Overall, a very fun experience. Will probably continue striving for a high score.
Yeah I might have reintroduced that insta lose you mentioned gonna be checking it out. The crane right now has the ability to extra move up to 4 blocks upwards, but I wonder if it should be infinite (I didnt to the sides because it was kinda hard), ive heard similar stuff to the shovel it moves -2, -1, 1 or 2 but I wonder if I have to do something else, i like the randomness a bit
With the crane, it could probably have infinite lift strength and still not be broken. However, game balance is always good to keep in mind. I'm also not entirely sure how a crane would be able to displace sideways without treading on the other tools' abilities.
I think the shovel having an element of RNG is fun, as long as it's somewhat predictable. Maybe a system could be implemented where the shovel will displace to the right if the last horizontal movement you made was right, and left if you moved left? It could still be random whether it moves 1 or 2, but you would have a way to herd the pebbles a little bit better. A further thing could be that the vertical movement determines how large the number is, although that would remove the RNG.
This was great! It has a learning curve, since there's no tutorial or anything, but being able to pause and scroll down to read was enough for me, great work!
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good game!
Great game. I get a bug sometimews with the shovel. The piece that's been dug stays at the top of the screen and then the game registers it as game over.
Ohno! When does that happen is it on the advanced mode?
It's happened on normal mode for me, that's the only one I've been really playing so far. It SEEMS to be happening when using the shovel immediately again after/during a clear (spamming it; I do this to dig from underneath while counting to get quick horizontal lines). Maybe you can try and see yourself? When the screen is close to full/speed is fast I've had it also cause game overs (when the block hangs it seems the game has registered it as a such). It seems to happen regardless of how full the screen is.
Also found the bug on my own, already mentioned below, where the hose can press a block down to the bottom to get rid of it (I actually like this bug though as it can help me to set up tactically and avoid the crane + the screen moves anyway so it's not a BIG exploit. Will echo another user that the crane item slows the entire game down compared to the others; maybe a good thing maybe bad (getting the crane with an almost full screen is frustrating) can't decide.
Also dk how to feel about the random nature of the shovel. It removes a certain amount of skill from the game to have it do random things (to not be able to control which pile to fill up; to a certain extent at least)?
Will also agree with the user below who wanted to see separate game modes for the different objects (even though them switching is the entire gimmick of the game). Dk if that would fit into P8 but hey... Would be a nice optional for some other version if not.
With bugs or not (well... Ironically at least one bug in the game controlling the blocks as others have also pointed out:P) idc as I will purchase to put on a handheld in its current form anyway once I've got some spare cash:)
Edit: Just to copy from below 25840 is my max score (it would seem the score stops here? Because I had over 30k this game)
Edit: no the score works fine; I have a saved one of over 30k now. However sometimes I get a minus score for some reason. It's weird. What's the reason for this?
Idk if you see the edits btw, I'm still playing, so making a new reply to get you a new notification (I've edited the original post). 👍
I'm getting the high scores using the hose bug mechanic (so that's a bug I actually like).
Its a bug but instead of fixing it i tried to compensate it by making everything else raise a bit faster as you do (that was cheaper in tokens too), for the shovel I have yet to find that why that one happens im sorry
That's a good solution:)
Shovel... Not so much an important bug. What IS game breaking though is when the score goes into a minus score (has happened to me a few times; I THINK it might have something to do with cheesing with the hose and staying at a single level for too long but idk). Any idea why that happens?
Update to last question: It seems to happen when the score is above 30k. At that point it switches to -30k instead. Any fix (otherwise the tactic is to avoid the hose at that level)? Hose/shovel bugs are not game breaking but this minus point one is:(
Edit: around 32k it switches into -points and again this is gamebreaking unlike the shovel bug.
Hmmm... can you write a backstory to this?
a lot of fun!
Don't think I ever left a comment here... I LOVE SUPER CRANE BUG!!!
My high score for normal mode is 20,287. Anyone else score higher?
21,155 just now (but cheesing by using the hose bug) Edit: 21745 Edit again: 22219 Edit 3: 25252 Edit 4: -31867 (for some reason it says -?)
Edit 5: 25840 (it would seem the score stops here? Because I had over 30k this game)
No it didn't. 32714. I get some - point bug though from time to time.
I think it would be fun to have "single tool" modes so that you can play your favorite tool from start to finish. Such a polished game already though, super fun =)
You know what… YOU ARE RIGHT
I think i had that in mind somewhere, like playing different levels, or picking different “characters”, not sure if I’ll do here of if it would be better to make a bigger game without the bounds of pico8
That's such a cool idea. Different robot characters each one having a mechanical "hand" with a different power. You could even make it into a local vs mode where each character sends different types/patterns of garbage to the opponent acording to their power. Would be a nightmare to balance all the characters though!
I was kind of curious - did you ever consider this idea further at all? I find the game interesting and enjoy it quite a bit, but would absolutely love it if there were a way to play with a tool of choice - both because I think it would help to practice with some of the trickier tools and learn their behaviour more consistently, but also because playing single tool swap would finally give me a solid way to play Panel de Pon (which it's honestly kind of criminal there aren't a ton of games riffing off that idea, given that there hasn't been a new Puzzle League since the DS).
I’m working on a bigger version! (“working”, currently paused because life, but) here’s the link to the steam page!, LINK HERE SUPER CRANE HD
thanks so much for the interest!! I want to get on it back and just release it, so far its just going to be a bigger version, and haven’t been much motivated to clean it up for release
Oh cool! So the new one will have the single tool mode?
I've found an exploit/bug: When using the hose tool, pressing down repeatedly at the bottom of the screen instantly deletes whatever you were holding, and with gravity this means you can clear entire columns. the block seems to wrap around to the top of the board for a frame or two before deletion. It's not incredibly practical since holding down at the bottom also increases the speed of the board, and it nets you no points, but nonetheless it's a thing.
not entirely sure if the comments of the itch page is the best place to report these things, i don't want to clog up the comments with them
Lol don’t worry, it’s ok! Thanks for letting me know :D
is there a discord or something for your games? if there isn't, seems like that could be a good way to organise stuff like bug reports and also build up a community
if there is one i'm just dumb and do not know where to find it
I'm in love with this thing, i think, maybe, but i do have a few notes.
First off, a bug (ha): I've lost a few games seemingly out of nowhere after garbage spawns, possibly because the game thinks that the empty tiles it just dropped are actually a tower reaching to the kill zone. Should probably check that out.
Secondly, the shovel is probably one of the harder tools to use due to rng. As far as I can tell, it likes to launch blocks up to the highest tower it can find, but I haven't exactly figured out what its deal is.
Thirdly, the crane is the tool that I tend to lose on most often, due to too much garbage being piled up for it to be able to pick up anything, and its inability to move anything sideways within the pile.
Overall, a very fun experience. Will probably continue striving for a high score.
Yeah I might have reintroduced that insta lose you mentioned gonna be checking it out. The crane right now has the ability to extra move up to 4 blocks upwards, but I wonder if it should be infinite (I didnt to the sides because it was kinda hard), ive heard similar stuff to the shovel it moves -2, -1, 1 or 2 but I wonder if I have to do something else, i like the randomness a bit
With the crane, it could probably have infinite lift strength and still not be broken. However, game balance is always good to keep in mind. I'm also not entirely sure how a crane would be able to displace sideways without treading on the other tools' abilities.
I think the shovel having an element of RNG is fun, as long as it's somewhat predictable. Maybe a system could be implemented where the shovel will displace to the right if the last horizontal movement you made was right, and left if you moved left? It could still be random whether it moves 1 or 2, but you would have a way to herd the pebbles a little bit better.
A further thing could be that the vertical movement determines how large the number is, although that would remove the RNG.
Very addictive
one of those games that when i lose, i immediately start again. Really cool twist on the Panel de Pon formula
another banger from calixjumio! very cool idea and graphics
This was great!
It has a learning curve, since there's no tutorial or anything, but being able to pause and scroll down to read was enough for me, great work!
Sorry, but is this game compatible with controller?
It is!, you can try it out in the web version as well, should do the same