Patch #2 - MUSIC & DEATH

Hello, did a couple of touch ups but the most important things are:
- Music and sounds added!
- Dying sprites
- Rest now heals 3 things
- Balance changes
Music and Sound
Was just added to the game!, got it from @gruber_music’s volume 2 of pico8 songs. And sounds that I made up and some others also by gruber.
Dying sprites
Instead of the same sprite rotated now there’s a sprite when they are defeated. Helped me give away a little more of what the units actually are.
Changes to REST
Since adding music and sounds costed some tokens I had to trim them from somewhere, and since the REST mechanic was confusing and doing a lot of different thing I simplified it to:
If you don’t attack you automatically REST (No more full or half rest) REST: You recover things in this order of priority: Shields, Energy, Ammo, Boots. The number of recovers you get per rest is a new stat, regularly 2, and can be increased.
Hopefully this makes shields feel heavier. Tempted to tweak the priority order later.
Balance Changes
Items you get have changed again!, reduced the amount of useless items like attacking ammo (who needs that?) and grouped them in chambers that made sense hopefully. For example the Shield chamber now offers either +1 Shield or +1 HP. Also added a new item: +1 Rest, which appears alongside +1 Energy at the Energy chambers. LUCK chambers now offers only LUCK +1 until I get a good companion for it.
Given the new Rest stat I also tweaked some units like the Merchant, the Wizard and the Robot. As well as all the boss enemies.
That’s all for now, please let me know what you think about this changes or what are you liking about the game.
And thanks for playing! @calixjumio
A roguelike tactics game
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